Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Tip of the Iceberg

For those of you who think that the spirit of Jezebel is just for a small group of devil chasers, you need to know the history behind this spirit as it comes to us from the Bible.  The historical Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal,who was a priest in the Phoenician cult of Baal and a high priest of  Ashtoreth.  This is not the first time we see Baal and Ashtoreth.  They were the god and goddess of the Semitic people who reached all the way from the fertile crescent(Tigris- Euphrates) to Phoenicia and even into Egypt.  This deity of the Canaanites was well established when Moses came into the Promised land and this is reason the Lord strongly warned Israel not intermarry with these people. However, shortly after settling into the Promise Land, Israel fell into idol worship.  We all know that the Lord turned them over to their enemies, and when they cried to Him, He raised up a judge to deliver them.  Their faithfulness was short-lived and it wasn't until the time of Samuel, and  David that Israel was more stabilized in their worship of the One True God.  But by the end of Solomon's reign, Israel once again came under  this deity's influence due to Solomon's wives who worshipped Baal and Ashtoreth.  Depending on who was on the throne of Israel, the people went in and out of idol worship for years until they reached an all time low with Ahab and Jezebel. Their erratic walk with the God of Abraham, eventually resulted in the Babylonian captivity in approximately 605 B.C. The simple fact is that the spirits behind these deities seduced the people of God for hundreds of years.

It is evident that these spirits were operating at the time of Paul when he became angered and cast out the spirit of divination from the young slave girl in Acts16.  (Elijah had the same reaction to the spirit of divination only he killed all 850 false prophets associated with Baal.)  In Acts 19, Paul and Silas were thrown in jail for preaching the gospel in an area that worshipped Artemis, the Greek goddess, which by the way, is a  variation of the goddess of Ashtoreth.
These spirits have been operating since before the time of Moses, and were recorded in the New Testament, as well.  It should be no surprise to us that they are still very much in effect today only packaged differently.  While this is certainly a brief overview of  this demonic principality in operation, there is no doubt that these spirits are actively in competition for the hearts and souls of man today.  The spirit of Jezebel is only one component of a larger organization of spirits which controls countless Americans and is therefore only the tip of the iceberg. My point is that many people are unaware of how this principality is a link to so much sin in our nation.  But proof of that will come out at a later date!

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