My desire for Jezebel is that she be fully recognized in our churches by both the pastors and the congregation. We want our churches free to fulfill the will of the Holy Spirit without being hobbled by this clandestine spirit.
It is a relatively easy process to expel the spirit of Jezebel from a congregation when caught in the beginning stages. If the pastor is willing to be alerted by the Holy Spirit that a problem exists, he/she discreetly speaks to the individual and calls in a deliverance team. If the person is repentant, and the deliverance is sure, the matter can be resolved. This way it only involves a small number of people for the deliverance and the individual's reputation remains in tack. However, if the person in question is unwilling to repent then they should be asked to leave.
Things only become difficult if the pastor is unaware of the circumstances. If that's the case, generally people within the rank and file begin to recognize the enemy spirit. Then you have any number of messy situations arising within the church. Obviously, the best way of handling this is through pastor intervention. It's neat, quiet and discreet!
So why is this a painful and divisive situation when it doesn't have to be? The most important thing is a willingness to recognize that this can be a potential problem. It is common in families, the workplace and sad to say, in the church, but most men and women of God don't want to admit that this is a potential problem for their house of worship. Those who are keeping an eye open are Jezebel-free because once recognized it's fairly easy to eradicate. However, ignoring the problem increases your chances of encountering a full-blown catastrophe. It's just that simple.
The Holy Spirit will alert those in leadership if this enemy is within a church . The problem is, will people listen? Most depend on what they see in the natural. Before them stands a pleasant and seemingly sincere individual who loves the Lord and since most of these individuals are totally unaware that they carry this spirit, they usually appear quite innocent. As a result, pastors with loving hearts shy away from taking action to avoid being judgmental, so what's the solution?
The Holy Spirit is the only one that can truly be trusted, for He is omniscient and never judgemental. Depending on Him is the only way to avoid encountering this problematic spirit. Take heed to that nudge or uncomfortable feeling within your spirit, and seek the Lord later for more confirmation, but don't ignore the discerner.
There are many leaders who are against any deliverance or spiritual warfare. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to help them.
A congregation, as well as a pastor, needs to be alert to the possibility that a Jezebel spirit can exist. Not so they can notify everyone, but merely to avoid coming under the control of this spirit. If people in the church are blinded, the problem increases because many become a pawn in the hand of this evil spirit. From this point, division develops and chaos ensues.
While it's obvious that the saints need to respond in love, but keep in mind, that there is a difference between loving someone and following blindly. Just like there is a difference between submitting to one another and being manipulated by a controlling spirit. When you love someone, you treat them kindly despite a fault, but you don't act as if it doesn't exist. Instead, you pray for them and conduct yourself wisely in their presence.
Overall, when the people of God are cognizant that a Jezebel spirit could possibly exist within their church, it's a built-in means of damage control. But what happens if the warning signs escape the pastor and/or the congregation? Well, that's another blog!
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