Monday, October 29, 2012

A Cry Goes Up From America

The Lord wants us to cry out for America.  Repeatedly, the young nation of Israel cried out to the Lord to deliver them.  Most of the time, they had fallen into sin as a nation and were guilty of His judgement, but they knew His mercy and repented.  Time and again, He sent someone to deliver them because they had turned to Him as their Father.  He even relented of His plans for Neneveh's destruction because they prayed and fasted.
I believe He has given us this president knowing full well that he would put us in this situation, causing us to cry out for His mercy.  The last four years have been designed to jolt us back to reality and cause us to see how far we have strayed from the Lord.  We have been lulled into complacency and now our freedom and economy are in danger.

Remember our beginnings.  It was the Lord who led our forefathers to settle in North America.  He established a covenant with them and even though we have not held up our end, He is faithful to call us back to Himself that He might once again establish us as a God-fearing nation that will carry out His destiny for America.

He will hear our prayer as we cry out and repent for our sins.  Believe Him to deliver us from the destruction that is facing our country, for it is His desire as well as ours.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Multitude of His Mercies

In case you feel overwhelmed by the state of our country, let me remind you of the multitude of His mercies (Ps 106:44).  Perhaps there is a smidgen of doubt that the problem is too big when compared to the size of your prayers. Or maybe you can't help but think that we really are guilty and we've exceeded even His mercy. 

Let's revisit the book of Judges where the children of Israel repeatedly worshipped other gods after having been explicitly warned by the Lord. He allowed their enemies to threaten their very existence and they cried out to the Lord.  Time and again, He would raise up a deliverer and the people would serve the Lord for the duration of his/her life and then revert back to their old ways. 

At one point, the Lord refused to hear their cry and told them to pray to their idols for deliverance.  In Judges 10:15-16, the people replied, "We have sinned.  Do to us as whatever seems best to You: only deliver us this day.  So they put away their foreign gods from among them and served the Lord."

The next line reveals the very nature of our Lord.  "His soul could no longer endure the misery of Israel."  He agonized over their condition.  He's not like us.  We have limits as to how much we will put up with, but His compassion and love are limitless and everlasting.

Rid yourself of all doubt.  He is bigger than we know and far more compassionate than we can imagine.  Fall on His mercy, repent for our sins and seek His face.  He does not lie. He will hear from heaven, forgive us and heal our land-----but we must cry out!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Can You Hear the Call to Pray?

There's a call in the Spirit.  It's a call to pray and it's not an option.  Things are desperate in our country, but this isn't a 'doom & gloom' message.

It's a call to saints.  The church is on it's back---drowsy and half-asleep.  That's why His call has gone out!  He's srirring His people to cry out to Him.

We are in a desperate situation in America.  We are on the verge of a financial collapse and our current president wants to take us into socialism.  For years, we have watched things disintegrate around us and have done little---myself included.

There is great hope!  He is waiting for us to respond to His call.

The situation is not so big that the Lord is unable to change things. We need to pray that President Obama is defeated, along with his ObamaCare and that our debt is reduced.  The Lord waits for us to pray.  He is the One who established this nation and its constitution.

Our prayers, however, must be accompanied with repentance.  It's not enough just to pray.  We need to repent for resembling the world more than living a separate and holy life for the Lord.

NOW IS THE TIME TO CRY OUT TO A GOD THAT LONGS TO ANSWER OUR PRAYER.  He is willing to change our situation if we will only pray to Him in earnest!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Journal?----I HATE to write!?!

Our Father in heaven talks to us all the time.  You speak to your children don't you?  Then why wouldn't He speak to you?  As a result, what He says is truly important enough to write down.  It doesn's have to be beautifully penned, nor does it have to be perfect.  If you don't like writing, just jot down phrases.  Bullets are great!  But write it down.

I don't know how many times I have glanced at previous pages in my journal and realized that I never did what the Lord told me to do.  Sometimes I've started asking the Lord about a problem and I have been reminded to look back in my notes because He has already spoken about it.  Let's face it, we forget thngs and that is one of the major reasons for jotting info down.

Not only that, but going back and reading what the Lord has spoken is soooo encouraging.  It can still have the same anointing and lift your spirits all over again.  Our minds rotate information to the back and we need refreshing sometimes.

The material I get for my books actually comes from my journal.  After going through a long difficult time, I routinely go back and read my journal.  I am shocked to see the gradual pieces of encouragement and instruction that I have received during my dry time.  It doesn't feel like I am getting much until I read it as a collection.  Sometimes it feels like I'm going it alone, but my notes prove otherwise.  There it is in black and white.  He is always there giving me just what I need.

Don't say that the Lord doesn't speak to you.  He is a good Father and would never ignore His child.  If you wish you heard from Him more often, then jot down what you do hear.  It is a good way to show that your are interested in what He has to say and maybe you'll get the increase you desire.

Monday, October 1, 2012

John Paul Discusses Power and Authority on Joni Table Talk

This is a great teaching on the difference between power and authority.  Do you know which one is greater?  How do we acquire it?  It is all explained in the video below.  Enjoy!