Monday, October 22, 2012

The Multitude of His Mercies

In case you feel overwhelmed by the state of our country, let me remind you of the multitude of His mercies (Ps 106:44).  Perhaps there is a smidgen of doubt that the problem is too big when compared to the size of your prayers. Or maybe you can't help but think that we really are guilty and we've exceeded even His mercy. 

Let's revisit the book of Judges where the children of Israel repeatedly worshipped other gods after having been explicitly warned by the Lord. He allowed their enemies to threaten their very existence and they cried out to the Lord.  Time and again, He would raise up a deliverer and the people would serve the Lord for the duration of his/her life and then revert back to their old ways. 

At one point, the Lord refused to hear their cry and told them to pray to their idols for deliverance.  In Judges 10:15-16, the people replied, "We have sinned.  Do to us as whatever seems best to You: only deliver us this day.  So they put away their foreign gods from among them and served the Lord."

The next line reveals the very nature of our Lord.  "His soul could no longer endure the misery of Israel."  He agonized over their condition.  He's not like us.  We have limits as to how much we will put up with, but His compassion and love are limitless and everlasting.

Rid yourself of all doubt.  He is bigger than we know and far more compassionate than we can imagine.  Fall on His mercy, repent for our sins and seek His face.  He does not lie. He will hear from heaven, forgive us and heal our land-----but we must cry out!

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