Thursday, June 21, 2012

Benefits of Jezebel Remaining Undercover

The spirit of Jezebel can cause church growth to be stifled for years if this principality is left unchecked.  The entire church can be stalled indefinitely with no apparent or explainable reason.  The spirit of Jezebel can block, bind and generally incapacitate the forward motion of a church without the knowledge of the pastor or the board members.  This is very possible if the members of the congregation are ignorant of the enemy's devices or do not inquire of the Lord concerning his infiltration.  (See the blog entitled Have You Turned Off Your Discerner.)

When the spirit of Jezebel is in operation, private prayer can also be a real chore.  Jezebel's cohorts actually stand with the intent of blocking a person's prayer.  It is a weird senstaion that makes you feel as though you are not really praying and is almost surreal in nature.  Prayer and intercession are greatly hampered, and it is necessary to punch a hole in the atmosphere in order to reach the throne.  It can be done, but it certainly takes the joy out of sitting down with the Lord in prayer.  In order to break through, it is necessary to bind any blocks and incapacitations put in place by the enemy.

Those operating in conjunction with a Jezebel spirirt can actually 'cut' you from the Lord during prayer or worship.  In either case, when you try to communicate with the Lord, you realize that there simply is no connection.  You are not receiving any feedback in your spirit.   It is as if you were talking on the phone with a friend and suddenly realize that you've been disconnected.  It can be remedied by simply binding any cutting prayers and any spirits that bind, block, or incapacitate your praise and worship.  It may not be a case of someone deliberately praying and asking the Lord to separate you from Him, but prayers with wrong intentions or  wrong heart attitudes, on the part of the Jezebelite, can give the enemy license to hinder or obstruct your progress.

Another interesting aspect of a Jezebel spirit is the amount of psychic manipulation that takes place.  When a Jezebelite targets individuals or intercessors, their minds can be greatly afflicted with vain imaginations, distractions, and confusion.  Their thought processes can be hampered in varying degrees, ranging from mild to extreme interference involving even the simplest of thought patterns.  According to Jonas Clark in his book entitled Exposing Spiritual Wichcraft, this is a result of withchcraft in operation.  There is definitely a strain on the brain, and maintaining an intelligent conversation is almost impossible.  Not only is it difficult to carry on daily activities when mind control and sorcery are in operation, but decision-making within a church can suffer wrong turns and enable the enemy to maneuver his people into profitable postions for greater control.

But all of this can be avoided if churches are aware that a spirit Jezebel can exist in any congregation.

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