It is interesting to note that many of the spiritual enemies comprised within this Jezebel principality are deft at concealing themselves. Obfuscation, or the ability to confuse, darken or conceal a matter, is often employed when this group of spirits is involved. It is possible for the enemy to hide completely if this particular spirit is in operation. It is through this spirit that the principality of Jezebel can successfully remain undetected by most of a congregation.
In addition, it is important to recognize some of the enemy's tricks. They do not pose a real threat and can be dodged with a little wisdom. For instance, a Jezebelite can act sweetly and at the same time send a totally diffenent message in the spirit. Generally others involved will not pick up this act of duplicity unless they flow well in discernment. To the outward eye, the behavior of the host can be almost exemplary, yet simultaneously the Jezebelite can be throwing his or her spririt at you, knowing full well that as an intercessor, you are capable of picking this up. This can be difficult at first, because now you are picking up some hateful darts. Be careful. It's so easy to respoond improperly when you know that you're right and the other person is wrong, but rein in your emotions because it is a trap!
If you have the misfortune of taking the bait set by the enemy, you will find yourself guilty of answering in anger, and the Jezebelite will look like the victim of an unprovoked attack! Cute little tactic, wouldn't you say?
If you have any junk in your heart toward this individual, it will come out at this time and you will look like the culprit. God works His character in your life one way or another. At first glance,
it appears to be unfair that the Lord would allow someone to get away with this. However, if you are on the receiving end, it will force you to learn how to control your emotions and ensure that your heart is free from resentment. It takes just a few instances of responding inappropriately and looking like the guilty party to learn how to maintain your composure and respond in love.
It's important to interject and present this information in a balanced manner. Please keep in mind that while the spirit of Jezebel can cause damage within a church, the Lord is in control. He is doing a work in the peole involved, and when the time comes for their release from captivity, Jezebel will be no match for the Lord. He can easily turn the tables and set the camp in order.
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