Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Followers of Jezebel

One of the main objectives of a Jezebelite is to gain as many followers as possible.  They will actually court various individuals by posing as their friends or counselors. It is entirely possible to see such a courted individual gradually come under the hypnotic infuence of a Jezebelite.  Some people are blinded and under the sway of Jezebel, while other become totally immersed and take on the spirit itself.  Consequently, the principality gains strength, but it is preventable.  Ask the Lord to open your eyes because you can counteract this influence through prayer.  Early intervention is the key so don't disregard the little warning signs.

Remember this can be a gradual process.  We Christians can be an unsuspecting lot.  We are taught to think the best of the brethren, and we have had it pounded into us that we should not judge one another.  That, of course, is true, but it needs to be balanced awith the precious gift of discernment.  There can be various saints in the congregation who are familiar with the operation of the Holy Spirit, but when confronted with the possibility of a Jezebel in their midst, they rely soley on what they see.  Before them stands a longtime friend, a seemingly righteous individual, and the pastor who endorses their ministry.  Voila!  The enmey has just cloaked an entire congregation.

There is also a great deal of kingdom building that comes into play with Jezebel. All of us try to win favor at some point or another, but if you're Spirit-led, He will rein you in.  Jezebelites have the ability to draw, sway, and enlist people to their camp.  This, by the way, is exactly what begins to happen.  They actually have a following of individuals who look to them for guidance.

Many of these Jezebelites have an air of superiority that the enemy takes full advantage of.  It comes as a result of past wounds that actually leave them with an inferiority complex.  They over-compensate and act superior, but when this is utilized by the enemy, you begin to feel like you are a second-rate citizen in their presence.  Those that are affected by the Jezebelite almost start to idolize this person and scurry around trying to play up to them.  These followers hang on every word and worship the ground that the Jezebelite walks on.  These individuals are called eunuchs because they have been rendered powerless by the spirit of Jezebel.  When they should be protecting the House of God they are aiding and abetting the enemy.  Good solid saints can fall into this category simply because they are not familiar with the workings of this principalities.  Those that are aware of this ploy and seek only the Lord's approval are not so apt to succumb to this trap.

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