It is very possible to mind your own business, love your brothers and sisters and still become a target of Jezebel. This is especially true for those that love the Lord and make a real attempt at following Him. That's the catch! If you follow Him, then you generally don't allow yourself to come under the control of others which, of course, is the perfect setup for Jezebel to make you a target!!!
Many Jezebelites do not know that the enemy is operating through them and because of they're lack of experience, it is easy to maneuver your way around their minor manipulations. But then there are others who control everything and everyone. They quickly discern that you are intentionally avoiding their realm of influence. Many attempts will be made to draw you into their little flock; however, should you remain independent, you'll soon recognize a strong sense of rejection.
At this point, it's important to seek the Lord about possibling leaving. He may release you or He may require you to stay because He wants to do a work in your life. I've seen both cases, but, which ever it is, you need to obey the Lord. Point of clarification--staying does not mean tearing down this principality. He merely wants to build character in our life, teach us how be gracious in difficult situations and make us steadfast and immoveable.
If you are obedient and stalwart, the second phase of expulsion will begin. The ruling spirit will make continual attempts at discreditng, undermining and undercutting you as the target. You may be falsely accused, or you may gradually realize that you're being overlooked for various considerations, prophetic words and so forth.
It is also common for the enemy to start dividing and cutting you from others in leadership and from your friends. At first, you may blame yourself for being oversensitive. But after a while, there's a sense that you are a third or fourth-class citizen within the house of God. It is not your imagination, but rather a result of mind control that operates with this principality.
In addition, it is probable that the target, meaning you, will be hindered at every advance in his or her work for the Lord. Some may say that's the enemy's job and he does it to everyone. However, this is not done in general terms, but with the intent of eliminating you as a threat to this principality.
At this point, you may saying, "Forget all this mess. I'll overlook all this Jezebel business and no one will know. I'll just remain friendly and go with the flow. Why have all this trouble coming down on my head." That, my friend would be a clear case of tolerating Jezebel.
There are only two sides to this problem. You either withstand this spirit in righteousness or you cooperate with the enemy. If He's called you to stay, then you go against the flow. For instance, Jezebelite may want to dominate the meeting, but if the Lord has given you something to add then come out with it. Withstanding doesn't mean confrontation, it only means you refuse to be intimidated or controlled. To do otherwise is to cooperate with this spirit. Rev. 2:21 says that the Lord will bring the same tribulation on Jezebel's co-horts as He will on her.
There are numerous stories on how to side-step Jezebel and dodge her arrows. But that's another post!
This is such good, where-the-rubber-meets-the-road instruction and encouragement. Thanks for
ReplyDeletewriting clearly on such a difficult situation.