It is very easy to think that we are on target with the Lord when in actuality, we are not doing the will of God. How can this be? We love the Lord, go to church, read the Word of God and are doing everything we know to live a life that pleases Him.
The ansewer is found in Jer. 17:9-10. "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart and know the mind."
We might have the best of intentions and truly love the Lord, but He says our hearts deceive us and lead us astray. We may have no idea that we are off track. But the Lord does. He examines our secret motives and He knows all things.
Our hearts can fool us into thinking that we're doing this or that for the Lord, but the Lord can examine our motives and show us we're often doing things to benefit ourselves and not Him. We can protest vehemently, but He knows the thoughts of our hearts.
It's an easy thing to remedy, however. Don't you think if you asked the Lord to divulge what is in your heart and any wrong motives that He would graciously reveal these hidden things and readily restore you?
We get busy and just rely on Him to understand that we love Him and that our hears are in the right place. However, it's our responsibility to reserve some special time before Him to examine our hearts for wrong motives. Some things may surface immediately and others may take a while for the Lord to orchestrate situations that reveal the hidden truth.
You may feel you're too busy for this, but it's actually a preventative measure and the benefits are numerous. The alternative is to postpone this little housekeeping job 'til the place is falling down around your ears and you're in so much trouble you don't know where to start!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Torn Between Two Loves
We are called to live separate lives unto the Lord---- II Peter 2:19--But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's Own possession---yet we identify greatly with the world.
We have allowed apathy and complacency to creep into the church over the years and little by little we have absorbed attitudes of our affluent society. We live for our comforts, entertainment, sports, fashion, and 'techie toys'. In moderate amounts, these are not wrong, but we often crave them and consider our lives fuller because we have an abundance of them.
We know they have a hold of us when we become disgruntled, and unhappy during times we have to do without. Let's face it. Most of us would have to admit there are things that have a hold of our hearts other than the Lord alone. There may be varying degrees, but is there much difference between this attitude and that of unbelievers who 'live' for these pleasures. Again, these things are only wrong if they have a hold of our hearts.
This is almost identical to the children of Israel. They promised to love and serve the Lord and they did. But they also loved and served other 'gods' of the land by building shrines in the hills and burning incense as part their worship. They were to be His people but He had to share Israel with other gods.
This provoked the Lord and He allowed invaders to oppress Israel in hopes they would return to Him and they did. But it was short-lived and after numerous attempts at re-gathering His people, He brought them into captivity where their way of life and prosperity was stripped from them. Upon returning, they walked more faithfully until the time of Christ, but it was very costly.
Brothers and sisters, I do believe the church in America stands on the very same precipice that Israel did prior to the Babylonian captivity. " If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land."
The church might appear closer to the Lord than the average American, but the church is torn between two loves. We are to live separated lives unto the Lord. We are His people, His Own possession and we're passing through on our journey.
We have allowed apathy and complacency to creep into the church over the years and little by little we have absorbed attitudes of our affluent society. We live for our comforts, entertainment, sports, fashion, and 'techie toys'. In moderate amounts, these are not wrong, but we often crave them and consider our lives fuller because we have an abundance of them.
We know they have a hold of us when we become disgruntled, and unhappy during times we have to do without. Let's face it. Most of us would have to admit there are things that have a hold of our hearts other than the Lord alone. There may be varying degrees, but is there much difference between this attitude and that of unbelievers who 'live' for these pleasures. Again, these things are only wrong if they have a hold of our hearts.
This is almost identical to the children of Israel. They promised to love and serve the Lord and they did. But they also loved and served other 'gods' of the land by building shrines in the hills and burning incense as part their worship. They were to be His people but He had to share Israel with other gods.
This provoked the Lord and He allowed invaders to oppress Israel in hopes they would return to Him and they did. But it was short-lived and after numerous attempts at re-gathering His people, He brought them into captivity where their way of life and prosperity was stripped from them. Upon returning, they walked more faithfully until the time of Christ, but it was very costly.
Brothers and sisters, I do believe the church in America stands on the very same precipice that Israel did prior to the Babylonian captivity. " If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land."
The church might appear closer to the Lord than the average American, but the church is torn between two loves. We are to live separated lives unto the Lord. We are His people, His Own possession and we're passing through on our journey.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I Have One of These. Do You?
The concept of breaking up fallow ground as seen in the picture above comes from Hosea 10:21. "Break up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the Lord." I brought this topic up because so many of us are praying for America and using II Chronicles 7:14 as a model and it tells us to seek the Lord and turn from our wicked ways.
Fallow ground is a plot of land that is resting or not being used. Spiritually, it represents an area that the Lord has dealt with us and we never successfully pressed through to the end. Or it could be that He told us to accomplish a task, but we got busy and pushed it to the side and now there is no harvest. Either way, our land is a fallow field instead of a profuse garden.
We may not consider it a conscious sin, but if we have neglected to do what He has told us then it is still equated with sin. At this point, our assignment is labeled fallow or unprofitable ground which makes me think of Matt. 25:30 with the parable of talents. In the end, The Lord tells them to cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.
If that's the case, we need to plow our fallow ground and complete what He has directed us to do as part of the requirement for our prayers to be heard according to II Chron. 7:14. This is another aspect of turning from our wicked ways or should we say our 'selfish ways' because we've been more interested in our needs than the needs of His Kingdom.
I believe this is the crux of the problem in our land. We have been more concerned with ourselves than we have been with the King and His Kingdom!
Fallow ground is a plot of land that is resting or not being used. Spiritually, it represents an area that the Lord has dealt with us and we never successfully pressed through to the end. Or it could be that He told us to accomplish a task, but we got busy and pushed it to the side and now there is no harvest. Either way, our land is a fallow field instead of a profuse garden.
We may not consider it a conscious sin, but if we have neglected to do what He has told us then it is still equated with sin. At this point, our assignment is labeled fallow or unprofitable ground which makes me think of Matt. 25:30 with the parable of talents. In the end, The Lord tells them to cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.
If that's the case, we need to plow our fallow ground and complete what He has directed us to do as part of the requirement for our prayers to be heard according to II Chron. 7:14. This is another aspect of turning from our wicked ways or should we say our 'selfish ways' because we've been more interested in our needs than the needs of His Kingdom.
I believe this is the crux of the problem in our land. We have been more concerned with ourselves than we have been with the King and His Kingdom!
Monday, October 29, 2012
A Cry Goes Up From America
The Lord wants us to cry out for America. Repeatedly, the young nation of Israel cried out to the Lord to deliver them. Most of the time, they had fallen into sin as a nation and were guilty of His judgement, but they knew His mercy and repented. Time and again, He sent someone to deliver them because they had turned to Him as their Father. He even relented of His plans for Neneveh's destruction because they prayed and fasted.
I believe He has given us this president knowing full well that he would put us in this situation, causing us to cry out for His mercy. The last four years have been designed to jolt us back to reality and cause us to see how far we have strayed from the Lord. We have been lulled into complacency and now our freedom and economy are in danger.
Remember our beginnings. It was the Lord who led our forefathers to settle in North America. He established a covenant with them and even though we have not held up our end, He is faithful to call us back to Himself that He might once again establish us as a God-fearing nation that will carry out His destiny for America.
He will hear our prayer as we cry out and repent for our sins. Believe Him to deliver us from the destruction that is facing our country, for it is His desire as well as ours.
I believe He has given us this president knowing full well that he would put us in this situation, causing us to cry out for His mercy. The last four years have been designed to jolt us back to reality and cause us to see how far we have strayed from the Lord. We have been lulled into complacency and now our freedom and economy are in danger.
Remember our beginnings. It was the Lord who led our forefathers to settle in North America. He established a covenant with them and even though we have not held up our end, He is faithful to call us back to Himself that He might once again establish us as a God-fearing nation that will carry out His destiny for America.
He will hear our prayer as we cry out and repent for our sins. Believe Him to deliver us from the destruction that is facing our country, for it is His desire as well as ours.
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Multitude of His Mercies
In case you feel overwhelmed by the state of our country, let me remind you of the multitude of His mercies (Ps 106:44). Perhaps there is a smidgen of doubt that the problem is too big when compared to the size of your prayers. Or maybe you can't help but think that we really are guilty and we've exceeded even His mercy.
Let's revisit the book of Judges where the children of Israel repeatedly worshipped other gods after having been explicitly warned by the Lord. He allowed their enemies to threaten their very existence and they cried out to the Lord. Time and again, He would raise up a deliverer and the people would serve the Lord for the duration of his/her life and then revert back to their old ways.
At one point, the Lord refused to hear their cry and told them to pray to their idols for deliverance. In Judges 10:15-16, the people replied, "We have sinned. Do to us as whatever seems best to You: only deliver us this day. So they put away their foreign gods from among them and served the Lord."
The next line reveals the very nature of our Lord. "His soul could no longer endure the misery of Israel." He agonized over their condition. He's not like us. We have limits as to how much we will put up with, but His compassion and love are limitless and everlasting.
Rid yourself of all doubt. He is bigger than we know and far more compassionate than we can imagine. Fall on His mercy, repent for our sins and seek His face. He does not lie. He will hear from heaven, forgive us and heal our land-----but we must cry out!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Can You Hear the Call to Pray?
There's a call in the Spirit. It's a call to pray and it's not an option. Things are desperate in our country, but this isn't a 'doom & gloom' message.
It's a call to saints. The church is on it's back---drowsy and half-asleep. That's why His call has gone out! He's srirring His people to cry out to Him.
We are in a desperate situation in America. We are on the verge of a financial collapse and our current president wants to take us into socialism. For years, we have watched things disintegrate around us and have done little---myself included.
There is great hope! He is waiting for us to respond to His call.
The situation is not so big that the Lord is unable to change things. We need to pray that President Obama is defeated, along with his ObamaCare and that our debt is reduced. The Lord waits for us to pray. He is the One who established this nation and its constitution.
Our prayers, however, must be accompanied with repentance. It's not enough just to pray. We need to repent for resembling the world more than living a separate and holy life for the Lord.
NOW IS THE TIME TO CRY OUT TO A GOD THAT LONGS TO ANSWER OUR PRAYER. He is willing to change our situation if we will only pray to Him in earnest!!!
It's a call to saints. The church is on it's back---drowsy and half-asleep. That's why His call has gone out! He's srirring His people to cry out to Him.
We are in a desperate situation in America. We are on the verge of a financial collapse and our current president wants to take us into socialism. For years, we have watched things disintegrate around us and have done little---myself included.
There is great hope! He is waiting for us to respond to His call.
The situation is not so big that the Lord is unable to change things. We need to pray that President Obama is defeated, along with his ObamaCare and that our debt is reduced. The Lord waits for us to pray. He is the One who established this nation and its constitution.
Our prayers, however, must be accompanied with repentance. It's not enough just to pray. We need to repent for resembling the world more than living a separate and holy life for the Lord.
NOW IS THE TIME TO CRY OUT TO A GOD THAT LONGS TO ANSWER OUR PRAYER. He is willing to change our situation if we will only pray to Him in earnest!!!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Journal?----I HATE to write!?!
Our Father in heaven talks to us all the time. You speak to your children don't you? Then why wouldn't He speak to you? As a result, what He says is truly important enough to write down. It doesn's have to be beautifully penned, nor does it have to be perfect. If you don't like writing, just jot down phrases. Bullets are great! But write it down.
I don't know how many times I have glanced at previous pages in my journal and realized that I never did what the Lord told me to do. Sometimes I've started asking the Lord about a problem and I have been reminded to look back in my notes because He has already spoken about it. Let's face it, we forget thngs and that is one of the major reasons for jotting info down.
Not only that, but going back and reading what the Lord has spoken is soooo encouraging. It can still have the same anointing and lift your spirits all over again. Our minds rotate information to the back and we need refreshing sometimes.
The material I get for my books actually comes from my journal. After going through a long difficult time, I routinely go back and read my journal. I am shocked to see the gradual pieces of encouragement and instruction that I have received during my dry time. It doesn't feel like I am getting much until I read it as a collection. Sometimes it feels like I'm going it alone, but my notes prove otherwise. There it is in black and white. He is always there giving me just what I need.
Don't say that the Lord doesn't speak to you. He is a good Father and would never ignore His child. If you wish you heard from Him more often, then jot down what you do hear. It is a good way to show that your are interested in what He has to say and maybe you'll get the increase you desire.
I don't know how many times I have glanced at previous pages in my journal and realized that I never did what the Lord told me to do. Sometimes I've started asking the Lord about a problem and I have been reminded to look back in my notes because He has already spoken about it. Let's face it, we forget thngs and that is one of the major reasons for jotting info down.
Not only that, but going back and reading what the Lord has spoken is soooo encouraging. It can still have the same anointing and lift your spirits all over again. Our minds rotate information to the back and we need refreshing sometimes.
The material I get for my books actually comes from my journal. After going through a long difficult time, I routinely go back and read my journal. I am shocked to see the gradual pieces of encouragement and instruction that I have received during my dry time. It doesn't feel like I am getting much until I read it as a collection. Sometimes it feels like I'm going it alone, but my notes prove otherwise. There it is in black and white. He is always there giving me just what I need.
Don't say that the Lord doesn't speak to you. He is a good Father and would never ignore His child. If you wish you heard from Him more often, then jot down what you do hear. It is a good way to show that your are interested in what He has to say and maybe you'll get the increase you desire.
Monday, October 1, 2012
John Paul Discusses Power and Authority on Joni Table Talk
This is a great teaching on the difference between power and authority. Do you know which one is greater? How do we acquire it? It is all explained in the video below. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Why Not Wait on the Lord!
If you're bruised and tired of being hit on all sides, why not wait on the Lord! When you know that you're in the cross-hairs of Jezebel, isn't His presence the best place to be?
It is so amaizing that the Lord has provided a safe place that we can run to in the time of trouble ----under His wings. In Ps. 91, He says we can dwell in the shelter of the Most High.
Not only can we come and sit in His presence and catch our breath, but He will strengthen us.
Is. 40:31 says, we will be able to fly above the storm with wings of eagles.
Maybe it would be wise to back track a little. When you worship before the Lord and realize that you've entered His peace and His presence, just sit there quietly. This is "waiting on the Lord". Many scoot out quickly because nothing seems to be happening, but that's because YOU are doing nothing. However, the Lord is full of activity at this time!
If you can only manage to be patient and wait, you'll find great rewards for your lack of productivity. He may speak to you or download something, but most of the time, however, it will seem like nothing is happening.
Whenever we are in His presence, GREAT things are happening----most of which will not be realized right then and there. Learn to patiently soak quietly in His presence. It is always rewarding!
This, my friend, is one of the best ways to combat all those 'nasties' your may encounter from your friend, Jezebel. Truly, you will find yourself above the clouds of the storm and able to function calmly and wisely. You won't find yourself crumbling and weak. Even though there may be a battle going on, it won't have its desired effect upon your soul. You will know that Your Father has your hand and you're not alone.
He may be allowing a work to go on in your life, but you will not be under things, but on top. Then why does He allow all this to come your way? So you will come and sit before Him in His presence and get to know Him more. Waiting on the Lord eases the pain and provides relief for you and He gets what He wants, too---YOU! Wait on the Lord!!!
It is so amaizing that the Lord has provided a safe place that we can run to in the time of trouble ----under His wings. In Ps. 91, He says we can dwell in the shelter of the Most High.
Not only can we come and sit in His presence and catch our breath, but He will strengthen us.
Is. 40:31 says, we will be able to fly above the storm with wings of eagles.
Maybe it would be wise to back track a little. When you worship before the Lord and realize that you've entered His peace and His presence, just sit there quietly. This is "waiting on the Lord". Many scoot out quickly because nothing seems to be happening, but that's because YOU are doing nothing. However, the Lord is full of activity at this time!
If you can only manage to be patient and wait, you'll find great rewards for your lack of productivity. He may speak to you or download something, but most of the time, however, it will seem like nothing is happening.
Whenever we are in His presence, GREAT things are happening----most of which will not be realized right then and there. Learn to patiently soak quietly in His presence. It is always rewarding!
This, my friend, is one of the best ways to combat all those 'nasties' your may encounter from your friend, Jezebel. Truly, you will find yourself above the clouds of the storm and able to function calmly and wisely. You won't find yourself crumbling and weak. Even though there may be a battle going on, it won't have its desired effect upon your soul. You will know that Your Father has your hand and you're not alone.
He may be allowing a work to go on in your life, but you will not be under things, but on top. Then why does He allow all this to come your way? So you will come and sit before Him in His presence and get to know Him more. Waiting on the Lord eases the pain and provides relief for you and He gets what He wants, too---YOU! Wait on the Lord!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Understanding the Spirit of Jezebel--Part I
Pastor Stephen Darby does an excellent job scripturally exposing Jezebel's role in the church. As a pastor, he views the problem in a broader sense and explains how devastating this can be to the Body of Christ. He's a little nervous in PartI but relaxes to a nice steady flow.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Hard to Believe
If I hadn't experienced some of these things first hand, I never would have believed them possible. The spirit of Jezebel is capable of atltering people's perception and it can be jarring. But the root of the problem, I believe, is jealousy in the heart of the sender. Something we all have experienced; however, when done by someone who operates out of a Jezebel spirit, things get twisted!
It should not be surprising for the Word of God says that wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, you'll find disorder and evil of every kind. (James 3:16) It just opens the foor for the enemy to come in and cause trouble---plain and simple.
A Jezebelite must be in a prominent position, and if anyone is a possible threat, jealousy and fear fllow in abundance. Generally, the demonic force behind the Jezebelite will also see this person as a threat and that's a second reason for discretization.
One specific form of undermining comes by formulating a biased opinion in the minds of others. I have seen leaders who have viewed me favorably, suddenly acted like I was in the proverbial 'dog house'. Now granted, there can be a million possibilities for this, but when this goes on for weeks with no apparent reason, you know something is amiss. When I inquired of the Lord, He opened up my eyes and I saw a demon standing between the leader and myself. This is not uncommon, so much so, that I monitor it from time to time.
Solution? I simply bound the interloper and things returned to normal. It sounds crazy, but there have been numerous occasions and they all play out the same.
Another puzzling phenomenon occurs occasionally. With this jealousy and striving to get to the top, there is also demonic activity that obscures your presence. It's not merely a case of being overlooked, but rather it's as if you don't exist and/or your words are of no consequence. When it first happened to me, I thought I was oversensitive until someone in leadership picked up on it and I was able to trace it back to its origin. Once again, I merely bound the nonsense and things returned to normal.
These are all examples of things that we would normally dismiss as an overactive imagination or just peoples' dislike for us. However, when Jezebel is involved that is not the case. It is not a figment of your imagination, but rather a subtle adjustment in the spirit realm to discredit those that are a threat to this spirit's clandestine operation.
If you notice, the solution to these little interruptions is quite simple, but it's the recognition and acknowledgement of these interruptions that are problematic. People often refuse to believe that this sort of nonsense exists. As a result, the enemy has a free hand and people are harassed unnecessarily. Recognition is the key!
It should not be surprising for the Word of God says that wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, you'll find disorder and evil of every kind. (James 3:16) It just opens the foor for the enemy to come in and cause trouble---plain and simple.
A Jezebelite must be in a prominent position, and if anyone is a possible threat, jealousy and fear fllow in abundance. Generally, the demonic force behind the Jezebelite will also see this person as a threat and that's a second reason for discretization.
One specific form of undermining comes by formulating a biased opinion in the minds of others. I have seen leaders who have viewed me favorably, suddenly acted like I was in the proverbial 'dog house'. Now granted, there can be a million possibilities for this, but when this goes on for weeks with no apparent reason, you know something is amiss. When I inquired of the Lord, He opened up my eyes and I saw a demon standing between the leader and myself. This is not uncommon, so much so, that I monitor it from time to time.
Solution? I simply bound the interloper and things returned to normal. It sounds crazy, but there have been numerous occasions and they all play out the same.
Another puzzling phenomenon occurs occasionally. With this jealousy and striving to get to the top, there is also demonic activity that obscures your presence. It's not merely a case of being overlooked, but rather it's as if you don't exist and/or your words are of no consequence. When it first happened to me, I thought I was oversensitive until someone in leadership picked up on it and I was able to trace it back to its origin. Once again, I merely bound the nonsense and things returned to normal.
These are all examples of things that we would normally dismiss as an overactive imagination or just peoples' dislike for us. However, when Jezebel is involved that is not the case. It is not a figment of your imagination, but rather a subtle adjustment in the spirit realm to discredit those that are a threat to this spirit's clandestine operation.
If you notice, the solution to these little interruptions is quite simple, but it's the recognition and acknowledgement of these interruptions that are problematic. People often refuse to believe that this sort of nonsense exists. As a result, the enemy has a free hand and people are harassed unnecessarily. Recognition is the key!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
ME? I Didn't Do Anything!!?
Someone carrying a Jezebel spirit can look as innocent and pure as the freshly driven snow!
Obfuscation or the ability to confuse, darken or conceal a matter is often employed when this group of spirits is involved. It is possible for the enemy to hide completely and remain undetected by most of the congregation, work place etc. if this spirit is in operation.
Therefore it is important to recognize some of the enemy's tricks. They do not pose a real threat and can be dodged with a little wisdom. For instance, a Jezebelite can outwardly appear sweet, but at the same time send a totally different message in the spirit to their target.
Generally, others involved will not pick up this act of duplicity unless they flow well in discernment. To the outward eye, the behavior of the Jezebelite can seem almost exemplary, yet simultaneously they are throwing their spirit at their target. Most targets will feel this, but especially those that are intercessors. Be careful. It's so easy to respond improperly when you know someone is false-fronting and sending a zinger at the same time. Rein in your emotions because it is a trap!
If you have the misfortune of taking the bait set by the enemy, you will find yourself guilty of an angry answer, and the Jezebelite will look like the victim of an unprovoked attack! Cute trick, wouldn't you say?
If you have any junk in your heart toward this individual, it will come out at this time and you will look like the culprit. God works His character in our lives one way or another.
At first glance, it appears unfair of the Lord to allow someone to get away with this. However, if you are on the recieving end, it will force you to control your emotions and ensure that your heart is free from resentment. It takes just a few instances of responding inappropriately and looking like the guilty party to learn how to maintain your composure and respond in love. Ask me. I know!
Obfuscation or the ability to confuse, darken or conceal a matter is often employed when this group of spirits is involved. It is possible for the enemy to hide completely and remain undetected by most of the congregation, work place etc. if this spirit is in operation.
Therefore it is important to recognize some of the enemy's tricks. They do not pose a real threat and can be dodged with a little wisdom. For instance, a Jezebelite can outwardly appear sweet, but at the same time send a totally different message in the spirit to their target.
Generally, others involved will not pick up this act of duplicity unless they flow well in discernment. To the outward eye, the behavior of the Jezebelite can seem almost exemplary, yet simultaneously they are throwing their spirit at their target. Most targets will feel this, but especially those that are intercessors. Be careful. It's so easy to respond improperly when you know someone is false-fronting and sending a zinger at the same time. Rein in your emotions because it is a trap!
If you have the misfortune of taking the bait set by the enemy, you will find yourself guilty of an angry answer, and the Jezebelite will look like the victim of an unprovoked attack! Cute trick, wouldn't you say?
If you have any junk in your heart toward this individual, it will come out at this time and you will look like the culprit. God works His character in our lives one way or another.
At first glance, it appears unfair of the Lord to allow someone to get away with this. However, if you are on the recieving end, it will force you to control your emotions and ensure that your heart is free from resentment. It takes just a few instances of responding inappropriately and looking like the guilty party to learn how to maintain your composure and respond in love. Ask me. I know!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Targeted by Jezebel!
It is very possible to mind your own business, love your brothers and sisters and still become a target of Jezebel. This is especially true for those that love the Lord and make a real attempt at following Him. That's the catch! If you follow Him, then you generally don't allow yourself to come under the control of others which, of course, is the perfect setup for Jezebel to make you a target!!!
Many Jezebelites do not know that the enemy is operating through them and because of they're lack of experience, it is easy to maneuver your way around their minor manipulations. But then there are others who control everything and everyone. They quickly discern that you are intentionally avoiding their realm of influence. Many attempts will be made to draw you into their little flock; however, should you remain independent, you'll soon recognize a strong sense of rejection.
At this point, it's important to seek the Lord about possibling leaving. He may release you or He may require you to stay because He wants to do a work in your life. I've seen both cases, but, which ever it is, you need to obey the Lord. Point of clarification--staying does not mean tearing down this principality. He merely wants to build character in our life, teach us how be gracious in difficult situations and make us steadfast and immoveable.
If you are obedient and stalwart, the second phase of expulsion will begin. The ruling spirit will make continual attempts at discreditng, undermining and undercutting you as the target. You may be falsely accused, or you may gradually realize that you're being overlooked for various considerations, prophetic words and so forth.
It is also common for the enemy to start dividing and cutting you from others in leadership and from your friends. At first, you may blame yourself for being oversensitive. But after a while, there's a sense that you are a third or fourth-class citizen within the house of God. It is not your imagination, but rather a result of mind control that operates with this principality.
In addition, it is probable that the target, meaning you, will be hindered at every advance in his or her work for the Lord. Some may say that's the enemy's job and he does it to everyone. However, this is not done in general terms, but with the intent of eliminating you as a threat to this principality.
At this point, you may saying, "Forget all this mess. I'll overlook all this Jezebel business and no one will know. I'll just remain friendly and go with the flow. Why have all this trouble coming down on my head." That, my friend would be a clear case of tolerating Jezebel.
There are only two sides to this problem. You either withstand this spirit in righteousness or you cooperate with the enemy. If He's called you to stay, then you go against the flow. For instance, Jezebelite may want to dominate the meeting, but if the Lord has given you something to add then come out with it. Withstanding doesn't mean confrontation, it only means you refuse to be intimidated or controlled. To do otherwise is to cooperate with this spirit. Rev. 2:21 says that the Lord will bring the same tribulation on Jezebel's co-horts as He will on her.
There are numerous stories on how to side-step Jezebel and dodge her arrows. But that's another post!
Many Jezebelites do not know that the enemy is operating through them and because of they're lack of experience, it is easy to maneuver your way around their minor manipulations. But then there are others who control everything and everyone. They quickly discern that you are intentionally avoiding their realm of influence. Many attempts will be made to draw you into their little flock; however, should you remain independent, you'll soon recognize a strong sense of rejection.
At this point, it's important to seek the Lord about possibling leaving. He may release you or He may require you to stay because He wants to do a work in your life. I've seen both cases, but, which ever it is, you need to obey the Lord. Point of clarification--staying does not mean tearing down this principality. He merely wants to build character in our life, teach us how be gracious in difficult situations and make us steadfast and immoveable.
If you are obedient and stalwart, the second phase of expulsion will begin. The ruling spirit will make continual attempts at discreditng, undermining and undercutting you as the target. You may be falsely accused, or you may gradually realize that you're being overlooked for various considerations, prophetic words and so forth.
It is also common for the enemy to start dividing and cutting you from others in leadership and from your friends. At first, you may blame yourself for being oversensitive. But after a while, there's a sense that you are a third or fourth-class citizen within the house of God. It is not your imagination, but rather a result of mind control that operates with this principality.
In addition, it is probable that the target, meaning you, will be hindered at every advance in his or her work for the Lord. Some may say that's the enemy's job and he does it to everyone. However, this is not done in general terms, but with the intent of eliminating you as a threat to this principality.
At this point, you may saying, "Forget all this mess. I'll overlook all this Jezebel business and no one will know. I'll just remain friendly and go with the flow. Why have all this trouble coming down on my head." That, my friend would be a clear case of tolerating Jezebel.
There are only two sides to this problem. You either withstand this spirit in righteousness or you cooperate with the enemy. If He's called you to stay, then you go against the flow. For instance, Jezebelite may want to dominate the meeting, but if the Lord has given you something to add then come out with it. Withstanding doesn't mean confrontation, it only means you refuse to be intimidated or controlled. To do otherwise is to cooperate with this spirit. Rev. 2:21 says that the Lord will bring the same tribulation on Jezebel's co-horts as He will on her.
There are numerous stories on how to side-step Jezebel and dodge her arrows. But that's another post!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Followers of Jezebel
One of the main objectives of a Jezebelite is to gain as many followers as possible. They will actually court various individuals by posing as their friends or counselors. It is entirely possible to see such a courted individual gradually come under the hypnotic infuence of a Jezebelite. Some people are blinded and under the sway of Jezebel, while other become totally immersed and take on the spirit itself. Consequently, the principality gains strength, but it is preventable. Ask the Lord to open your eyes because you can counteract this influence through prayer. Early intervention is the key so don't disregard the little warning signs.
Remember this can be a gradual process. We Christians can be an unsuspecting lot. We are taught to think the best of the brethren, and we have had it pounded into us that we should not judge one another. That, of course, is true, but it needs to be balanced awith the precious gift of discernment. There can be various saints in the congregation who are familiar with the operation of the Holy Spirit, but when confronted with the possibility of a Jezebel in their midst, they rely soley on what they see. Before them stands a longtime friend, a seemingly righteous individual, and the pastor who endorses their ministry. Voila! The enmey has just cloaked an entire congregation.
There is also a great deal of kingdom building that comes into play with Jezebel. All of us try to win favor at some point or another, but if you're Spirit-led, He will rein you in. Jezebelites have the ability to draw, sway, and enlist people to their camp. This, by the way, is exactly what begins to happen. They actually have a following of individuals who look to them for guidance.
Many of these Jezebelites have an air of superiority that the enemy takes full advantage of. It comes as a result of past wounds that actually leave them with an inferiority complex. They over-compensate and act superior, but when this is utilized by the enemy, you begin to feel like you are a second-rate citizen in their presence. Those that are affected by the Jezebelite almost start to idolize this person and scurry around trying to play up to them. These followers hang on every word and worship the ground that the Jezebelite walks on. These individuals are called eunuchs because they have been rendered powerless by the spirit of Jezebel. When they should be protecting the House of God they are aiding and abetting the enemy. Good solid saints can fall into this category simply because they are not familiar with the workings of this principalities. Those that are aware of this ploy and seek only the Lord's approval are not so apt to succumb to this trap.
Remember this can be a gradual process. We Christians can be an unsuspecting lot. We are taught to think the best of the brethren, and we have had it pounded into us that we should not judge one another. That, of course, is true, but it needs to be balanced awith the precious gift of discernment. There can be various saints in the congregation who are familiar with the operation of the Holy Spirit, but when confronted with the possibility of a Jezebel in their midst, they rely soley on what they see. Before them stands a longtime friend, a seemingly righteous individual, and the pastor who endorses their ministry. Voila! The enmey has just cloaked an entire congregation.
There is also a great deal of kingdom building that comes into play with Jezebel. All of us try to win favor at some point or another, but if you're Spirit-led, He will rein you in. Jezebelites have the ability to draw, sway, and enlist people to their camp. This, by the way, is exactly what begins to happen. They actually have a following of individuals who look to them for guidance.
Many of these Jezebelites have an air of superiority that the enemy takes full advantage of. It comes as a result of past wounds that actually leave them with an inferiority complex. They over-compensate and act superior, but when this is utilized by the enemy, you begin to feel like you are a second-rate citizen in their presence. Those that are affected by the Jezebelite almost start to idolize this person and scurry around trying to play up to them. These followers hang on every word and worship the ground that the Jezebelite walks on. These individuals are called eunuchs because they have been rendered powerless by the spirit of Jezebel. When they should be protecting the House of God they are aiding and abetting the enemy. Good solid saints can fall into this category simply because they are not familiar with the workings of this principalities. Those that are aware of this ploy and seek only the Lord's approval are not so apt to succumb to this trap.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
It is interesting to note that many of the spiritual enemies comprised within this Jezebel principality are deft at concealing themselves. Obfuscation, or the ability to confuse, darken or conceal a matter, is often employed when this group of spirits is involved. It is possible for the enemy to hide completely if this particular spirit is in operation. It is through this spirit that the principality of Jezebel can successfully remain undetected by most of a congregation.
In addition, it is important to recognize some of the enemy's tricks. They do not pose a real threat and can be dodged with a little wisdom. For instance, a Jezebelite can act sweetly and at the same time send a totally diffenent message in the spirit. Generally others involved will not pick up this act of duplicity unless they flow well in discernment. To the outward eye, the behavior of the host can be almost exemplary, yet simultaneously the Jezebelite can be throwing his or her spririt at you, knowing full well that as an intercessor, you are capable of picking this up. This can be difficult at first, because now you are picking up some hateful darts. Be careful. It's so easy to respoond improperly when you know that you're right and the other person is wrong, but rein in your emotions because it is a trap!
If you have the misfortune of taking the bait set by the enemy, you will find yourself guilty of answering in anger, and the Jezebelite will look like the victim of an unprovoked attack! Cute little tactic, wouldn't you say?
If you have any junk in your heart toward this individual, it will come out at this time and you will look like the culprit. God works His character in your life one way or another. At first glance,
it appears to be unfair that the Lord would allow someone to get away with this. However, if you are on the receiving end, it will force you to learn how to control your emotions and ensure that your heart is free from resentment. It takes just a few instances of responding inappropriately and looking like the guilty party to learn how to maintain your composure and respond in love.
It's important to interject and present this information in a balanced manner. Please keep in mind that while the spirit of Jezebel can cause damage within a church, the Lord is in control. He is doing a work in the peole involved, and when the time comes for their release from captivity, Jezebel will be no match for the Lord. He can easily turn the tables and set the camp in order.
In addition, it is important to recognize some of the enemy's tricks. They do not pose a real threat and can be dodged with a little wisdom. For instance, a Jezebelite can act sweetly and at the same time send a totally diffenent message in the spirit. Generally others involved will not pick up this act of duplicity unless they flow well in discernment. To the outward eye, the behavior of the host can be almost exemplary, yet simultaneously the Jezebelite can be throwing his or her spririt at you, knowing full well that as an intercessor, you are capable of picking this up. This can be difficult at first, because now you are picking up some hateful darts. Be careful. It's so easy to respoond improperly when you know that you're right and the other person is wrong, but rein in your emotions because it is a trap!
If you have the misfortune of taking the bait set by the enemy, you will find yourself guilty of answering in anger, and the Jezebelite will look like the victim of an unprovoked attack! Cute little tactic, wouldn't you say?
If you have any junk in your heart toward this individual, it will come out at this time and you will look like the culprit. God works His character in your life one way or another. At first glance,
it appears to be unfair that the Lord would allow someone to get away with this. However, if you are on the receiving end, it will force you to learn how to control your emotions and ensure that your heart is free from resentment. It takes just a few instances of responding inappropriately and looking like the guilty party to learn how to maintain your composure and respond in love.
It's important to interject and present this information in a balanced manner. Please keep in mind that while the spirit of Jezebel can cause damage within a church, the Lord is in control. He is doing a work in the peole involved, and when the time comes for their release from captivity, Jezebel will be no match for the Lord. He can easily turn the tables and set the camp in order.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Benefits of Jezebel Remaining Undercover
The spirit of Jezebel can cause church growth to be stifled for years if this principality is left unchecked. The entire church can be stalled indefinitely with no apparent or explainable reason. The spirit of Jezebel can block, bind and generally incapacitate the forward motion of a church without the knowledge of the pastor or the board members. This is very possible if the members of the congregation are ignorant of the enemy's devices or do not inquire of the Lord concerning his infiltration. (See the blog entitled Have You Turned Off Your Discerner.)
When the spirit of Jezebel is in operation, private prayer can also be a real chore. Jezebel's cohorts actually stand with the intent of blocking a person's prayer. It is a weird senstaion that makes you feel as though you are not really praying and is almost surreal in nature. Prayer and intercession are greatly hampered, and it is necessary to punch a hole in the atmosphere in order to reach the throne. It can be done, but it certainly takes the joy out of sitting down with the Lord in prayer. In order to break through, it is necessary to bind any blocks and incapacitations put in place by the enemy.
Those operating in conjunction with a Jezebel spirirt can actually 'cut' you from the Lord during prayer or worship. In either case, when you try to communicate with the Lord, you realize that there simply is no connection. You are not receiving any feedback in your spirit. It is as if you were talking on the phone with a friend and suddenly realize that you've been disconnected. It can be remedied by simply binding any cutting prayers and any spirits that bind, block, or incapacitate your praise and worship. It may not be a case of someone deliberately praying and asking the Lord to separate you from Him, but prayers with wrong intentions or wrong heart attitudes, on the part of the Jezebelite, can give the enemy license to hinder or obstruct your progress.
Another interesting aspect of a Jezebel spirit is the amount of psychic manipulation that takes place. When a Jezebelite targets individuals or intercessors, their minds can be greatly afflicted with vain imaginations, distractions, and confusion. Their thought processes can be hampered in varying degrees, ranging from mild to extreme interference involving even the simplest of thought patterns. According to Jonas Clark in his book entitled Exposing Spiritual Wichcraft, this is a result of withchcraft in operation. There is definitely a strain on the brain, and maintaining an intelligent conversation is almost impossible. Not only is it difficult to carry on daily activities when mind control and sorcery are in operation, but decision-making within a church can suffer wrong turns and enable the enemy to maneuver his people into profitable postions for greater control.
But all of this can be avoided if churches are aware that a spirit Jezebel can exist in any congregation.
When the spirit of Jezebel is in operation, private prayer can also be a real chore. Jezebel's cohorts actually stand with the intent of blocking a person's prayer. It is a weird senstaion that makes you feel as though you are not really praying and is almost surreal in nature. Prayer and intercession are greatly hampered, and it is necessary to punch a hole in the atmosphere in order to reach the throne. It can be done, but it certainly takes the joy out of sitting down with the Lord in prayer. In order to break through, it is necessary to bind any blocks and incapacitations put in place by the enemy.
Those operating in conjunction with a Jezebel spirirt can actually 'cut' you from the Lord during prayer or worship. In either case, when you try to communicate with the Lord, you realize that there simply is no connection. You are not receiving any feedback in your spirit. It is as if you were talking on the phone with a friend and suddenly realize that you've been disconnected. It can be remedied by simply binding any cutting prayers and any spirits that bind, block, or incapacitate your praise and worship. It may not be a case of someone deliberately praying and asking the Lord to separate you from Him, but prayers with wrong intentions or wrong heart attitudes, on the part of the Jezebelite, can give the enemy license to hinder or obstruct your progress.
Another interesting aspect of a Jezebel spirit is the amount of psychic manipulation that takes place. When a Jezebelite targets individuals or intercessors, their minds can be greatly afflicted with vain imaginations, distractions, and confusion. Their thought processes can be hampered in varying degrees, ranging from mild to extreme interference involving even the simplest of thought patterns. According to Jonas Clark in his book entitled Exposing Spiritual Wichcraft, this is a result of withchcraft in operation. There is definitely a strain on the brain, and maintaining an intelligent conversation is almost impossible. Not only is it difficult to carry on daily activities when mind control and sorcery are in operation, but decision-making within a church can suffer wrong turns and enable the enemy to maneuver his people into profitable postions for greater control.
But all of this can be avoided if churches are aware that a spirit Jezebel can exist in any congregation.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Patricia King: What is God Saying for 2012?
This is a sound gimpse into 2012 and is scripturally based. She speaks of a company of Elijahs or radically righteous believers that will emerge on the scene. This has surfaced frequently in a number of books including mine--Jezebel in Our Midst.
She breaks down her prophetic insight into basically five categories.
1. new era---more miracles and supernatural
2. children will be at risk
3. globalization will increase
4. biblical justice will be administered
5. kingdom economy will be our provision not the world economy
Monday, June 4, 2012
Jezebel vs. John Wayne?!?!?!?!
After you have defended yourself against this spirit of Jezebel for a while, you'll notice that the fear you initially encountered is not in the forefront as it had once been. Instead it now operates on a lower level and is not easily detected when other areas of warfare are dominating the scene. As a result, you go after the heavy artillery and ignore the spirit of intimidation that lingers in the background. This robs you, however, of your effectiveness in the Holy Spirit.
If a spirit of intimidaiton is still in the arena, then you are not taking your rightful stance. It makes you feel like there is a need of constant warfare. This impression comes because the enemy is hitting your 'feeling realm' in hopes of suggesting that he is still raging after you have bound him.
Between these two tactics, you may be buying into the suggestion that things are not subdued after warring or that your victories are short-lived. This is a lie. When you bind something, it is bound, and he cannot undo it. You need to believe that instead of the impressions that you pick up from the enemey's camp.
When you bind Jezebel and the entire company of spirits that accompany it, they truly are bound; however, when the people hosting these spirits begin to pray or make declations, it is going to feel like they are breakig through. But it only occurs when you drop your shield of faith and doubt the validity of Matthew 16:19. Believe that He has given you the keys of the kingdom and that what you bind is bound and what you loose is loosed. As long as you stand your ground they can't touch you. You're a child of the Most High God, and based on your union with Christ, you are seated in heavenly places with Him. You have dominion over the enemy, so believe with your whole heart and they won't be abe to move you.
Unfortunately, the enemy refuses to admit defeat and will always try get you to doubt because if he can, then your bindings mean nothing. That's how important it is to believe that your're truly binding the enemy. It really boils down to ignoring the feeling realm and believing the Word of God. When you have bound things and he continues to call your bluff, it's time for you "having done all to stand, stand" until he leaves. That's called immoveable and unshakeable.
There's one more thing that relates to your stance and that is in the middle of all this you have to continue with life. Circumstances may be difficult and/or painful, but you must not convey that in your attitude. It's a time to act the part of someone who has the victory because you do have the victory. Carry your head high and don't feel sorry for yourself in the midst of the difficulties. It's not enough to say you have the victory, you have to walk like you have the victory. Believe it or not that is a definite form of warfare. Attitude is everthing, so partner get out your John Wayne walk and go get 'em cowboy!
If a spirit of intimidaiton is still in the arena, then you are not taking your rightful stance. It makes you feel like there is a need of constant warfare. This impression comes because the enemy is hitting your 'feeling realm' in hopes of suggesting that he is still raging after you have bound him.
Between these two tactics, you may be buying into the suggestion that things are not subdued after warring or that your victories are short-lived. This is a lie. When you bind something, it is bound, and he cannot undo it. You need to believe that instead of the impressions that you pick up from the enemey's camp.
When you bind Jezebel and the entire company of spirits that accompany it, they truly are bound; however, when the people hosting these spirits begin to pray or make declations, it is going to feel like they are breakig through. But it only occurs when you drop your shield of faith and doubt the validity of Matthew 16:19. Believe that He has given you the keys of the kingdom and that what you bind is bound and what you loose is loosed. As long as you stand your ground they can't touch you. You're a child of the Most High God, and based on your union with Christ, you are seated in heavenly places with Him. You have dominion over the enemy, so believe with your whole heart and they won't be abe to move you.
Unfortunately, the enemy refuses to admit defeat and will always try get you to doubt because if he can, then your bindings mean nothing. That's how important it is to believe that your're truly binding the enemy. It really boils down to ignoring the feeling realm and believing the Word of God. When you have bound things and he continues to call your bluff, it's time for you "having done all to stand, stand" until he leaves. That's called immoveable and unshakeable.
There's one more thing that relates to your stance and that is in the middle of all this you have to continue with life. Circumstances may be difficult and/or painful, but you must not convey that in your attitude. It's a time to act the part of someone who has the victory because you do have the victory. Carry your head high and don't feel sorry for yourself in the midst of the difficulties. It's not enough to say you have the victory, you have to walk like you have the victory. Believe it or not that is a definite form of warfare. Attitude is everthing, so partner get out your John Wayne walk and go get 'em cowboy!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
The purpose of this blog is to alert peole to the fact that it is totally possible to be falsely accused by the spirit of Jezebel. It could even result in your dismissal from church or the work place. However, if you are aware of this possibility and know what to do, there really is no danger. but the operative word is "aware".
You might find this prospect hard to believe, but isn't that what happened to Naboth in I Kings 21? He refused to sell his ancestral land to the king because it was against Mosaic law. As a resutl, Jezebel created a false accusation and had him eliminated by the elders of the city. You may not be stoned, but you can be eliminated. Whatever is explained in scripture concerning historical Jezebel is also possible with spiritual Jezebel today.
It is admirable that many people stand independently and do not allow themselves to be manipulated by anyone, nor will they fall prey to the seducing control of this spirit. But they need to know that if they maintain this stand and resisit all attempts to be enlisted into Jezebel's camp, they will be seen as a threat. If this spirit is in play, there are only two options----Jezebel or the door. There will be no prisoners. She must be in control. At first, the spirit of Jezebel will attempt to discredit the target or possibly obscure them so they're totally overlooked. But if that fails, then a false accusation will be contrived to eliminate them as a threat. This is all done in the spiritual realm when hatred or jealousy comes up in the heart of the misguided individual. This give that demonic spirit an opportunity to flow.
But all of this is needless. Simply bind the obvious: discrediting,undermining, undercutting and false accusation. This way the enemy is bound and you can maintain your relationship with those that oppose you. Your heart is clear and you can pray for their deliverance and restoration.
If saints were aware of these tactics, this spirirt would be curtalied significantly. However, many churches and leaders are convinced that such a thing is improbable and they will go unscathed. As a result, they have often succumbed to this stealth spirit unwittingly and find themselves surrounded by a host of Jezebels. In addition, some of the strongest saints are leaving due to persecution and all that's left is a group of 'yes' men bowing down to Jezebel.
The bright side is that it is possible to withstand this spirit in a godly manner and turn the thing around. But in this blog, it has been limited to discussing how to sidestep false accusations in hopes that people will not be devastated through a lack of knowledge.
You might find this prospect hard to believe, but isn't that what happened to Naboth in I Kings 21? He refused to sell his ancestral land to the king because it was against Mosaic law. As a resutl, Jezebel created a false accusation and had him eliminated by the elders of the city. You may not be stoned, but you can be eliminated. Whatever is explained in scripture concerning historical Jezebel is also possible with spiritual Jezebel today.
It is admirable that many people stand independently and do not allow themselves to be manipulated by anyone, nor will they fall prey to the seducing control of this spirit. But they need to know that if they maintain this stand and resisit all attempts to be enlisted into Jezebel's camp, they will be seen as a threat. If this spirit is in play, there are only two options----Jezebel or the door. There will be no prisoners. She must be in control. At first, the spirit of Jezebel will attempt to discredit the target or possibly obscure them so they're totally overlooked. But if that fails, then a false accusation will be contrived to eliminate them as a threat. This is all done in the spiritual realm when hatred or jealousy comes up in the heart of the misguided individual. This give that demonic spirit an opportunity to flow.
But all of this is needless. Simply bind the obvious: discrediting,undermining, undercutting and false accusation. This way the enemy is bound and you can maintain your relationship with those that oppose you. Your heart is clear and you can pray for their deliverance and restoration.
If saints were aware of these tactics, this spirirt would be curtalied significantly. However, many churches and leaders are convinced that such a thing is improbable and they will go unscathed. As a result, they have often succumbed to this stealth spirit unwittingly and find themselves surrounded by a host of Jezebels. In addition, some of the strongest saints are leaving due to persecution and all that's left is a group of 'yes' men bowing down to Jezebel.
The bright side is that it is possible to withstand this spirit in a godly manner and turn the thing around. But in this blog, it has been limited to discussing how to sidestep false accusations in hopes that people will not be devastated through a lack of knowledge.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit on Joni Table Talk
John Paul Jackson is very knowledgeable on this topic and the operation of this spirit. I think you'll find it very informative and insightful. Well worth your time.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
My Desire for Jezebel----
My desire for Jezebel is that she be fully recognized in our churches by both the pastors and the congregation. We want our churches free to fulfill the will of the Holy Spirit without being hobbled by this clandestine spirit.
It is a relatively easy process to expel the spirit of Jezebel from a congregation when caught in the beginning stages. If the pastor is willing to be alerted by the Holy Spirit that a problem exists, he/she discreetly speaks to the individual and calls in a deliverance team. If the person is repentant, and the deliverance is sure, the matter can be resolved. This way it only involves a small number of people for the deliverance and the individual's reputation remains in tack. However, if the person in question is unwilling to repent then they should be asked to leave.
Things only become difficult if the pastor is unaware of the circumstances. If that's the case, generally people within the rank and file begin to recognize the enemy spirit. Then you have any number of messy situations arising within the church. Obviously, the best way of handling this is through pastor intervention. It's neat, quiet and discreet!
So why is this a painful and divisive situation when it doesn't have to be? The most important thing is a willingness to recognize that this can be a potential problem. It is common in families, the workplace and sad to say, in the church, but most men and women of God don't want to admit that this is a potential problem for their house of worship. Those who are keeping an eye open are Jezebel-free because once recognized it's fairly easy to eradicate. However, ignoring the problem increases your chances of encountering a full-blown catastrophe. It's just that simple.
The Holy Spirit will alert those in leadership if this enemy is within a church . The problem is, will people listen? Most depend on what they see in the natural. Before them stands a pleasant and seemingly sincere individual who loves the Lord and since most of these individuals are totally unaware that they carry this spirit, they usually appear quite innocent. As a result, pastors with loving hearts shy away from taking action to avoid being judgmental, so what's the solution?
The Holy Spirit is the only one that can truly be trusted, for He is omniscient and never judgemental. Depending on Him is the only way to avoid encountering this problematic spirit. Take heed to that nudge or uncomfortable feeling within your spirit, and seek the Lord later for more confirmation, but don't ignore the discerner.
There are many leaders who are against any deliverance or spiritual warfare. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to help them.
A congregation, as well as a pastor, needs to be alert to the possibility that a Jezebel spirit can exist. Not so they can notify everyone, but merely to avoid coming under the control of this spirit. If people in the church are blinded, the problem increases because many become a pawn in the hand of this evil spirit. From this point, division develops and chaos ensues.
While it's obvious that the saints need to respond in love, but keep in mind, that there is a difference between loving someone and following blindly. Just like there is a difference between submitting to one another and being manipulated by a controlling spirit. When you love someone, you treat them kindly despite a fault, but you don't act as if it doesn't exist. Instead, you pray for them and conduct yourself wisely in their presence.
Overall, when the people of God are cognizant that a Jezebel spirit could possibly exist within their church, it's a built-in means of damage control. But what happens if the warning signs escape the pastor and/or the congregation? Well, that's another blog!
It is a relatively easy process to expel the spirit of Jezebel from a congregation when caught in the beginning stages. If the pastor is willing to be alerted by the Holy Spirit that a problem exists, he/she discreetly speaks to the individual and calls in a deliverance team. If the person is repentant, and the deliverance is sure, the matter can be resolved. This way it only involves a small number of people for the deliverance and the individual's reputation remains in tack. However, if the person in question is unwilling to repent then they should be asked to leave.
Things only become difficult if the pastor is unaware of the circumstances. If that's the case, generally people within the rank and file begin to recognize the enemy spirit. Then you have any number of messy situations arising within the church. Obviously, the best way of handling this is through pastor intervention. It's neat, quiet and discreet!
So why is this a painful and divisive situation when it doesn't have to be? The most important thing is a willingness to recognize that this can be a potential problem. It is common in families, the workplace and sad to say, in the church, but most men and women of God don't want to admit that this is a potential problem for their house of worship. Those who are keeping an eye open are Jezebel-free because once recognized it's fairly easy to eradicate. However, ignoring the problem increases your chances of encountering a full-blown catastrophe. It's just that simple.
The Holy Spirit will alert those in leadership if this enemy is within a church . The problem is, will people listen? Most depend on what they see in the natural. Before them stands a pleasant and seemingly sincere individual who loves the Lord and since most of these individuals are totally unaware that they carry this spirit, they usually appear quite innocent. As a result, pastors with loving hearts shy away from taking action to avoid being judgmental, so what's the solution?
The Holy Spirit is the only one that can truly be trusted, for He is omniscient and never judgemental. Depending on Him is the only way to avoid encountering this problematic spirit. Take heed to that nudge or uncomfortable feeling within your spirit, and seek the Lord later for more confirmation, but don't ignore the discerner.
There are many leaders who are against any deliverance or spiritual warfare. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to help them.
A congregation, as well as a pastor, needs to be alert to the possibility that a Jezebel spirit can exist. Not so they can notify everyone, but merely to avoid coming under the control of this spirit. If people in the church are blinded, the problem increases because many become a pawn in the hand of this evil spirit. From this point, division develops and chaos ensues.
While it's obvious that the saints need to respond in love, but keep in mind, that there is a difference between loving someone and following blindly. Just like there is a difference between submitting to one another and being manipulated by a controlling spirit. When you love someone, you treat them kindly despite a fault, but you don't act as if it doesn't exist. Instead, you pray for them and conduct yourself wisely in their presence.
Overall, when the people of God are cognizant that a Jezebel spirit could possibly exist within their church, it's a built-in means of damage control. But what happens if the warning signs escape the pastor and/or the congregation? Well, that's another blog!
Monday, March 26, 2012
So What Does Jezebel Look Like?
People afflicted with these spirits are proud and controlling. If they are saved, the spirit can come a from a strong desire that has overshadowed their love for the Lord. This, of course, is known as idolatry, a trait attributed to the historical Jezebel. One of the more obvious characteristics is an air of superiority. In Christian circles it might be cloaked over considerably, but the underlying cause is actually due to a feeling of inferiority. To compensate, they seem to exude confidence to such a degree that listeners will probably not consider them to be in error. Subsequently, the listeners begin to doubt their own abilities, and they begin to feel inferior. Actually, they're looking at the spirit of intimidation.
You might think that you would never fall prey to such a tool of the enemy. However, persons driven by this spirit can disarm you with their winning personalities. They may often appear to be very sweet----even soft and velvety to the point that you consider yourself wicked, indeed, to even suspect them of foul play. This is how victims first come under the spell of Jezebel. When someone is exceedingly nice, it is often a means of manipulation---another key to identification.
Oddly enough, when this prince controls them, they may appear very religious and may even have a false humility and holiness. When they speak, it can be with great fervor for the Lord. They want people to believe that their relationship is much closer with the Lord than it really is. They may even go as far as to imply that God speaks face-to-face with them, thus filling others with awe and eliminating the prospect of any challengers.
When pastors have been beguiled, they often endorse the actions of the person in question. This, by the way, is very possible, since the pastor is usually the first and primary targer to win over. It may take time and patience, but these people are opportunists filled with plots and plans. Just as the Lord will open doors for His children, so too will the enemy open doors for someone under his employ.
When Jezebels are in positions of leadership, they will have remarkable showmanship that can often be mistaken for a move of the Holy Spirit. People who have this Jezebel spirit cannot tolerate standing in someone else's shadow. Their need to lead can be so strong that they will actually manipulate the proceedings, through various means. They seek supremacy and crave the limelight, for being in control is addictive to those operating out of a Jezebel spirit.
Does this sound impossible? Saved individuals with a Jezebel spirit love something more than they love the Lord, yet they profess through worship or preaching that He is the most important thing in their lives. When they state this, it doesn't ring true in the spirit. That's why it's important to be alert and to rely on the Holy Spirit. Their lives are lies. They are going through the motions, but they stopped obeying the Lord a long time ago . They know the lingo and the routine, and they look good!
Look for the fragrance of the Lord in a person's life. If someone is carrying on like Moses yet there is no fragrance, then there could be a false spirit involved. People who genuinely love the Lord carry the fragrance of the Lord in varying degrees, and it comes out in their worship and preaching. With a Jezebelite, the words might be the same, but the fragrance of the Lord is missing. There is no beauty or drawing of the Lord. The atmosphere is flat and dry.
You might think that you would never fall prey to such a tool of the enemy. However, persons driven by this spirit can disarm you with their winning personalities. They may often appear to be very sweet----even soft and velvety to the point that you consider yourself wicked, indeed, to even suspect them of foul play. This is how victims first come under the spell of Jezebel. When someone is exceedingly nice, it is often a means of manipulation---another key to identification.
Oddly enough, when this prince controls them, they may appear very religious and may even have a false humility and holiness. When they speak, it can be with great fervor for the Lord. They want people to believe that their relationship is much closer with the Lord than it really is. They may even go as far as to imply that God speaks face-to-face with them, thus filling others with awe and eliminating the prospect of any challengers.
When pastors have been beguiled, they often endorse the actions of the person in question. This, by the way, is very possible, since the pastor is usually the first and primary targer to win over. It may take time and patience, but these people are opportunists filled with plots and plans. Just as the Lord will open doors for His children, so too will the enemy open doors for someone under his employ.
When Jezebels are in positions of leadership, they will have remarkable showmanship that can often be mistaken for a move of the Holy Spirit. People who have this Jezebel spirit cannot tolerate standing in someone else's shadow. Their need to lead can be so strong that they will actually manipulate the proceedings, through various means. They seek supremacy and crave the limelight, for being in control is addictive to those operating out of a Jezebel spirit.
Does this sound impossible? Saved individuals with a Jezebel spirit love something more than they love the Lord, yet they profess through worship or preaching that He is the most important thing in their lives. When they state this, it doesn't ring true in the spirit. That's why it's important to be alert and to rely on the Holy Spirit. Their lives are lies. They are going through the motions, but they stopped obeying the Lord a long time ago . They know the lingo and the routine, and they look good!
Look for the fragrance of the Lord in a person's life. If someone is carrying on like Moses yet there is no fragrance, then there could be a false spirit involved. People who genuinely love the Lord carry the fragrance of the Lord in varying degrees, and it comes out in their worship and preaching. With a Jezebelite, the words might be the same, but the fragrance of the Lord is missing. There is no beauty or drawing of the Lord. The atmosphere is flat and dry.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Hold Your Ground!
When you gain ground in a conflict with the spirit of Jezebel, it will operate as a goddess of war against you and you must know what to do. An all out attack is different than having something evil sent to you in the spirit. And it's not the same as realizing the enemy has bound you up. It can come as a result of a demonic 'intercessory tongue' or it can flow out of a heart that is vehemently set against you in the spirit.
When this happens, you will experience an intensity in the spirit realm, and your teeth will feel like they are on edge. You will probably be aggrevated for seemingly no apparent reasons, and your reactions to others may register this.
Along with the attack, may come a strong desire to feed your flesh. There will be little or no desire to do anything spiritual, or natural, for that matter. It is a time of temptation and you will want to yield to those weak areas, primarily because your spirit man is under siege and suddenly your flesh is starting to gain the upper hand.
What you really need to do is feed your spirit man, because that is the only thing that will remedy the situation. If you don't, you will experience a downward spiral and lose the ground recently gained.
The very best solution to all of this is wholehearted praise and worship. There's such peace in the presence of the Lord. Then bring out the Word of the Lord and put the enemy in chains. Ps. 149:6-9.
Generally speaking this type of thing happens after you have gained some spiritual ground, so if you realize this, you won't be caught off guard. This is how you hold your ground and continue to move forward.
When this happens, you will experience an intensity in the spirit realm, and your teeth will feel like they are on edge. You will probably be aggrevated for seemingly no apparent reasons, and your reactions to others may register this.
Along with the attack, may come a strong desire to feed your flesh. There will be little or no desire to do anything spiritual, or natural, for that matter. It is a time of temptation and you will want to yield to those weak areas, primarily because your spirit man is under siege and suddenly your flesh is starting to gain the upper hand.
What you really need to do is feed your spirit man, because that is the only thing that will remedy the situation. If you don't, you will experience a downward spiral and lose the ground recently gained.
The very best solution to all of this is wholehearted praise and worship. There's such peace in the presence of the Lord. Then bring out the Word of the Lord and put the enemy in chains. Ps. 149:6-9.
Generally speaking this type of thing happens after you have gained some spiritual ground, so if you realize this, you won't be caught off guard. This is how you hold your ground and continue to move forward.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
STOP tolerating Jezebel spirit - Robert Morris
This is a great testimony by Robert Morris, pastor of Gateway Church in Texas. It's out of the ordinary for him to address this topic. In case you are short on time, I've highlighted some major points below and listed their location on the counter.
This is good for everyone but excellent for pastors!
Here are some memorable quotes: (note counter times)
Jesus said to RM--"Jezebel is not a strong spirit compared to Me. You address that spirit in My authority, not yours." 15:55-17:00 mins
Quote from RM "It's a constant problem. You can't say you've done this already. As long as you have authority, you have to be mindful of this." 17:28mins
Quote from RM "The most subtle way this spirit gets to a pastor's life is through a friend." 19:18mins
Quote from RM "If pastors don't deal with this spirit, the Lord will remove you from your position and replace you with someone who will stand against this spirit and they will have twice the anointing that you have." 44:40-45:20 mins
Core of the message----The Effects of Jezebel spirit on your life. 13:10-41:00 mins
Friday, February 17, 2012
Do you eat at Jezebel's table?
Few people see the spirit of Jezebel as a threat today. Most consider it merely a story that happened three thousand years ago and of little consequence. The point is that it had terrible ramifications back then and it has terrible ramifications today.
It should be pointed out that the Jezebel of Elijah's time pretty much affected only those in her immediate surroundings, but it was the deities that she worshipped, Baal and Ashtoreh, that affected the nation. They were the fertility god and goddess of the land and fornication, perversions, homosexuality etc were all spirits that operated as a result of Canaanite worship. Today, if an individual has a Jezebel spirit, it will impact their family, work and/or church. However, the spirit of Jezebel is part of a much larger picture because it can be cataloged under a wide range of sexual principalities that are in operation throughout our country. If Jezebel is functioning on a individual scale, then these same sexual temptations listed above, will have an impact on those who interact with them. That is why Jezebel should not be tolerated.
We no longer call them deities today, but as a nation we certainly worship these sexual principalities that are over America. Our media and music today are totally immersed in promoting promiscuity, homosexuality and a loose sexual life style which is evident in our clothing styles, language and jokes.
Connection? Jezebel opens the door to larger sexual principalities. Many are not aware that someone with a Jezebel spirit may not exhibit any sexually immoral behavior , but is actually a carrier of sexual spirits. Consequentially, this jeopardizes other believers around them. However, many choose to ignore the spirit of Jezebel entirely instead of handling the situation in wisdom in discretion. The fact of the matter is the Lord wants them healed and delivered.
It is a fair statement that a large number of believers participate in one degree or another with sexual practices that are promoted in our society. As followers of Christ; however,we are to abide by His teachings and live wholly unto Him without compromise. Our lives are to be exemplary not questionable. We are to be a light unto the world.
This is why the spirit of Jezebel can not be ignored or denied existence. Sexual sins and immorality are rampant in our society. One way to curtail sexual sins within the church is to eliminate the Jezebel spirit by discreetly dealing with it instead of ignoring it.
It should be pointed out that the Jezebel of Elijah's time pretty much affected only those in her immediate surroundings, but it was the deities that she worshipped, Baal and Ashtoreh, that affected the nation. They were the fertility god and goddess of the land and fornication, perversions, homosexuality etc were all spirits that operated as a result of Canaanite worship. Today, if an individual has a Jezebel spirit, it will impact their family, work and/or church. However, the spirit of Jezebel is part of a much larger picture because it can be cataloged under a wide range of sexual principalities that are in operation throughout our country. If Jezebel is functioning on a individual scale, then these same sexual temptations listed above, will have an impact on those who interact with them. That is why Jezebel should not be tolerated.
We no longer call them deities today, but as a nation we certainly worship these sexual principalities that are over America. Our media and music today are totally immersed in promoting promiscuity, homosexuality and a loose sexual life style which is evident in our clothing styles, language and jokes.
Connection? Jezebel opens the door to larger sexual principalities. Many are not aware that someone with a Jezebel spirit may not exhibit any sexually immoral behavior , but is actually a carrier of sexual spirits. Consequentially, this jeopardizes other believers around them. However, many choose to ignore the spirit of Jezebel entirely instead of handling the situation in wisdom in discretion. The fact of the matter is the Lord wants them healed and delivered.
It is a fair statement that a large number of believers participate in one degree or another with sexual practices that are promoted in our society. As followers of Christ; however,we are to abide by His teachings and live wholly unto Him without compromise. Our lives are to be exemplary not questionable. We are to be a light unto the world.
This is why the spirit of Jezebel can not be ignored or denied existence. Sexual sins and immorality are rampant in our society. One way to curtail sexual sins within the church is to eliminate the Jezebel spirit by discreetly dealing with it instead of ignoring it.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Tip of the Iceberg
For those of you who think that the spirit of Jezebel is just for a small group of devil chasers, you need to know the history behind this spirit as it comes to us from the Bible. The historical Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal,who was a priest in the Phoenician cult of Baal and a high priest of Ashtoreth. This is not the first time we see Baal and Ashtoreth. They were the god and goddess of the Semitic people who reached all the way from the fertile crescent(Tigris- Euphrates) to Phoenicia and even into Egypt. This deity of the Canaanites was well established when Moses came into the Promised land and this is reason the Lord strongly warned Israel not intermarry with these people. However, shortly after settling into the Promise Land, Israel fell into idol worship. We all know that the Lord turned them over to their enemies, and when they cried to Him, He raised up a judge to deliver them. Their faithfulness was short-lived and it wasn't until the time of Samuel, and David that Israel was more stabilized in their worship of the One True God. But by the end of Solomon's reign, Israel once again came under this deity's influence due to Solomon's wives who worshipped Baal and Ashtoreth. Depending on who was on the throne of Israel, the people went in and out of idol worship for years until they reached an all time low with Ahab and Jezebel. Their erratic walk with the God of Abraham, eventually resulted in the Babylonian captivity in approximately 605 B.C. The simple fact is that the spirits behind these deities seduced the people of God for hundreds of years.
It is evident that these spirits were operating at the time of Paul when he became angered and cast out the spirit of divination from the young slave girl in Acts16. (Elijah had the same reaction to the spirit of divination only he killed all 850 false prophets associated with Baal.) In Acts 19, Paul and Silas were thrown in jail for preaching the gospel in an area that worshipped Artemis, the Greek goddess, which by the way, is a variation of the goddess of Ashtoreth.
These spirits have been operating since before the time of Moses, and were recorded in the New Testament, as well. It should be no surprise to us that they are still very much in effect today only packaged differently. While this is certainly a brief overview of this demonic principality in operation, there is no doubt that these spirits are actively in competition for the hearts and souls of man today. The spirit of Jezebel is only one component of a larger organization of spirits which controls countless Americans and is therefore only the tip of the iceberg. My point is that many people are unaware of how this principality is a link to so much sin in our nation. But proof of that will come out at a later date!
It is evident that these spirits were operating at the time of Paul when he became angered and cast out the spirit of divination from the young slave girl in Acts16. (Elijah had the same reaction to the spirit of divination only he killed all 850 false prophets associated with Baal.) In Acts 19, Paul and Silas were thrown in jail for preaching the gospel in an area that worshipped Artemis, the Greek goddess, which by the way, is a variation of the goddess of Ashtoreth.
These spirits have been operating since before the time of Moses, and were recorded in the New Testament, as well. It should be no surprise to us that they are still very much in effect today only packaged differently. While this is certainly a brief overview of this demonic principality in operation, there is no doubt that these spirits are actively in competition for the hearts and souls of man today. The spirit of Jezebel is only one component of a larger organization of spirits which controls countless Americans and is therefore only the tip of the iceberg. My point is that many people are unaware of how this principality is a link to so much sin in our nation. But proof of that will come out at a later date!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
It's an Exciting Time!
If you're being harassed by the spirit of Jezebel, then rejoice for the Lord is doing a great and wonderful thing in your life. It might not feel so wonderful, but get your eyes off Jezebel and view things from the Lord's perspective because it's really a time for great rejoicing. Remeber it was an exciting time when Elijah opposed Jezebel historically. The Spirit of God was moving powerfully and people were turning back to the Lord in large numbers. It was the same way when John the Baptist was being used. Imagine the excitement in the Spirit just prior to the revealing of the Lord. The atmosphere must have been crackling with anticipation!
The Lord uses the pressures caused by the spirit of Jezebel to work in our lives. He's getting rid of debris and strengthening us so we too can carry the same Spirit that He put on Elijah and John the Baptist. The days are growing short and He's coming soon. He will be using a company of Elijahs that will turn the people around in preparation for His Second Coming. Rejoice and allow Him to do a work in you. Don't run from the atrocities and the unfairness that you face, but be glad that the Lord wants to mold you into someone He can use in the Last Days. He's coming in power this time. How absolutely thrilling to be used by the Lord to usher in His arrival. Rejoice that He has found you worthy to withstand the pressures needed to complete this work. (Refers to info in Chapter 4 of Jezebel in Our Midst:The Making of a Prophet)
The Lord uses the pressures caused by the spirit of Jezebel to work in our lives. He's getting rid of debris and strengthening us so we too can carry the same Spirit that He put on Elijah and John the Baptist. The days are growing short and He's coming soon. He will be using a company of Elijahs that will turn the people around in preparation for His Second Coming. Rejoice and allow Him to do a work in you. Don't run from the atrocities and the unfairness that you face, but be glad that the Lord wants to mold you into someone He can use in the Last Days. He's coming in power this time. How absolutely thrilling to be used by the Lord to usher in His arrival. Rejoice that He has found you worthy to withstand the pressures needed to complete this work. (Refers to info in Chapter 4 of Jezebel in Our Midst:The Making of a Prophet)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Why Jezebel?
The Lord is desirous of raising up mature saints that know how to control their vessel and operate successfully in the Spirit. One way to achieve this is through an encounter with the spirit of Jezebel. By the end of the conflict, these saints will be able to respond in a godly and loving manner towards those that oppose them. They will know the meaning of "having done all to stand, stand!" and be willing to wait unflinchingly for the salvation of God. They will be worshippers as well as warriors, but most importantly they will know the Father.
Jezebel in Our Midst demonstrates how the Lord can maneuver a life until these traits become evident. Many try to war their way out of this mess, but when you're in this conflict you are actually on the potter's wheel. There are literally times when you will be smashed to nothing and the process will begin all over again. Without this knowledge people will run. Suffering is not a popular topic, but if you're after the higher things of God, you'll stay the course. He knows how much pressure we can handle and in the end, there will be no regrets, only satisfaction---a sign of His handiwork!
Jezebel in Our Midst demonstrates how the Lord can maneuver a life until these traits become evident. Many try to war their way out of this mess, but when you're in this conflict you are actually on the potter's wheel. There are literally times when you will be smashed to nothing and the process will begin all over again. Without this knowledge people will run. Suffering is not a popular topic, but if you're after the higher things of God, you'll stay the course. He knows how much pressure we can handle and in the end, there will be no regrets, only satisfaction---a sign of His handiwork!
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